Projects I'd like to showcase

*These are open-source projects, I cannot show the commercial projects.


API for an intuitive browser-based code editor. Share and edit code with teammates, fostering a dynamic and unified coding experience.

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Language: TypeScript

Topics: express, nestjs, swagger, typescript

Deployed URL


UI for the intuitive browser-based code editor, Co-edit.

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Language: TypeScript

Topics: react-ace, shadcn-ui, typescript

Deployed URL


Portfolio website built with React, Next.js and Tailwind CSS.

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Language: TypeScript

Topics: reactjs, javascript, nextjs, tailwind-css

Deployed URL


A content-heavy website designed for students to communicate and read notes.

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Language: JavaScript

Topics: javascript, mongodb, node

Deployed URL


A frontend interface crafted for students to interact and access educational content, including communication and note-reading features, integrated with the backend functionality.

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Language: JavaScript

Topics: reactjs, redux, scss, websocket

Deployed URL


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Language: TypeScript

Topics: javascript, microservices, mongodb, nodejs, typescript